Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Comparison Between Virtual Teams and Face-To-Face Teams Research Paper

Comparison Between Virtual Teams and Face-To-Face Teams - Research Paper Example Workers like to interact in teams through teleworks, and flexibility in terms of time is often their top most priority (Kortez, 1999). Social media networks and online calling services have made it all the more convenient to do business through virtual teams. The constraints of distance and time have been minimized to a large extent. While virtual teams are very beneficial for the members in many ways, there are also certain unfavorable outcomes associated with working in this way. For example, employees who have never seen their employers are at risk of losing their jobs anytime. There is often no accountability. Employees have limited access to the company’s resources. This means that more power is assumed by the employers than what they have in the face to face teams. This paper explores several aspects of teamwork in virtual and face-to-face style. II. Building effectiveness a. Managing a virtual team â€Å"Dispersed teams can actually outperform groups that are colocated . To succeed, however, virtual collaboration must be managed in specific ways† (Siebdrat, Hoegl and Ernst, 2009a). ... This provides team members with opportunities to interact face to face and understand one another’s psychology so that when they interact virtually, they are able to draw only true meanings from the conversation. Frequent face to face meetings also allow the members to settle the intercultural differences and reach a culture of respect and harmony for maximal utilization of their potential. b. Member selection â€Å"[T]eams are usually made up of members from different national backgrounds, meaning the members come from different national cultures, possibly speak different languages, and were raised in different countries that may have different value systems† (Staples and Zhao, 2006, p. 389). Member selection in virtual teams is more complicated as a process than it is in face to face teams. This is due to the fact that communication in virtual teams is already affected by lack of face to face meetings and the presence of a medium of communication i.e. technology. Comm unication in virtual teams becomes even more complicated if the members are from different cultures and speak different languages. For virtual teams, it is advisable for the management to recruit only local employees so that all team members speak the same language and can converse with one another without experiencing linguistic barriers. In the face to face teams, management can broaden the criteria for selection and can also welcome foreign employees as body language plays a very important role in face to face meetings and the influence of linguistic barriers is minimized anyway. c. Team process Principles of effective teamwork in virtual teams include but are not limited to realignment of the reward structures, identification of innovative ways to

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Proof Of Gods Existence

The Proof Of Gods Existence When non-Christians and anti-Christians ask that God does not exist and Bible is merely a book, how do Christians answer to them and what should Christians say? Christians are in difficulties to explain God, Bible, and salvation to secular people, because belief of Christians is based on the Holy Bible, which seculars do not believe in, and because Christians do not like explain these thing through secular ways, such as science and philosophy. At this point, there is big gap between Christians and non- and anti-Christians.  [1]  Christians want to explain their belief from, in, and through the Bible, but secular people do not want to listen to the Bible. Christians do not want to cover their belief with secular techniques, but secular people pay attention to explain these through secular methods. For example, according to Kingdom Triangle by J.P. Moreland, scientific naturalism has challenged Christianity and religious belief with four arguments. These arguments are that 1) religious belief is not scientific, 2) religious belief is unprovable, 3) religious belief is unsupported by evidence, and 4) religious belief is superfluous.  [2]  Furthermore, according to the Ethics of Belief written by a nineteenth-century mathematician named W.K. Clifford. He said, Anyone who accepts a religious belief is guilty of acting immorally, irresponsibly, and irrationally.  [3]  According to Faith beyond Reason by C. Stephen Evans, he explains the circumstance of thoughts about faith. There is probably no word in the English language that is more complex and is used in more different senses than the word faith. Religious faith is a concept that both friends and opponents of religion often misunderstand. Thus, the free-thinking critic of religion alleges that religious belief is not backed up by evidence, but is held solely by faith. The critic may mean by this simply that such beliefs have no support at all, but are something like a personal choice made for no good reasons. Embattled religious believers who have no answer for the septic may embrace the same impoverished view of faith, thus relieving themselves of any need to think about their beliefs.  [4]   Do Christians have any solution of this gap of thoughts between Christians and non- and anti-Christians? Do Christians must wait until one day that secular people become Christians by receiving the supernatural grace from God? Christians know the answer is no. Christians must answer the question whether God exist or not, by something that secular people want. Some theologians tried to make a bridge between them by using the philosophical methods. Some hated to be explained their theology and the God by philosophy. Some put theology onto philosophy, and they opened a little gate of mind. Obviously, Christians will find some solution from the synthesis of Thomas philosophy and theology in his achievements.  [5]   Relation between Philosophy and Theology in the history Many theologians tried to systematize the relationship between theology and philosophy, and the relationship is characterized into four forms. The first form is that faith is superior to reason, the second is that reason is superior to faith, the third is to pursuit harmony between faith and reason, and the forth is to assert disconnection between them . These four figures have been represented peoples worldview in the history. Faith Priority People who suggested faith priority opposed the reason of people, and only use the Bible, revelation, and faith. The reason why the people conflicted to the reason is that there are big risks of using reason to theological foundation and faith. They believed philosophy itself has fault and error, and there is the limitation of philosophy. These people believed that if theologians use the reason having error to explain revelation, revelation could not be revelation, and revelation would be damaged its characters. For instance, even though Aristotle maintained the first mover, and he accepted polytheism, he did not believe in the Creator God. The theologians who asserted faith priority were Tertullian. What indeed has Athens to do with Jerusalem? This question of the relation between reason, here represented by Athens, and faith, represented by Jerusalem, was posed by the church father Tertullian (c.160-230 CE), and it remains a central preoccupation among contemporary philosophers of religion.  [6]   Tertullian, the early Church Father, considered the thoughts of philosophy as the source of heresy. He wrote in the book concerning the death and resurrection of Christ: It is by all means to be believed; because it is absurdà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.the fact is certain because it is impossible,  [7]   Reason Priority The reason priority is the idea that the humans reason could discover all truth, and everything is measured by the reason. A theologian Sieger von Brabant asserted that the philosophy of Aristotle is the best result of the wisdom of human.  [8]  Revelation must be explained by Aristotles philosophy, and his philosophy must be the measure of revelation. People could understand the Word of God by theological ways, but theological ways is not always clear to people. Therefore, Aristotles philosophy is the real truth, and theology must be reorganized by the philosophy. Peoples mind could be clean by philosophy. Famous rationalists, Rene Descartes, Benedict Spinoza, and Immanuel Kant, believed that everything could be explained by reason, and people have ability to measure religion. Immanuel Kant succinctly summed up the reason only movement with the title of his book, Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone.  [9]   Disconnection Nominalism at 14-15 century is the idea that there is any connection between faith and reason. A nominalist, William Ockham, improved the theory of knowledge. Ockham believed that people could talk about god if there are resemblance between God and human, but because there are no similarity between god and people, Ockham disagreed epistemology of revelation. Therefore, God is shown only through revelation, so, reason is almost nothing. Some evaluate Ockham: Ockham is not a radical intellectual separatist who disdains natural reason or regards with suspicion any Christian thinker who wishes to study the works of non-Christian philosophers with the same intensity as the books of Sacred Scripture. In fact, anyone familiar with Ockhams thought knows that he has immense respect for Aristotle and that his theology is marked by (what he believes to be) Aristotelian positions on a wide range of issues in ontology and philosophical semanticsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.Ockhams is an irenic separatism that rejects the prototypically Catholic intellectual project of unifying classical philosophy and the Christian faith in such a way as to exhibit the latter as the perfection of the former, and yet that stops short of disdaining the light of natural reason in the manner of radical intellectual separatismà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Ockham will always be viewed as something of an outsider both by the radical separatist, who is bent on isolating faith and reason completely f rom one another, and by the mainstream Catholic thinker, who seeks a genuine synthesis of faith and reason.  [10]   Harmony Thomas Aquinas and Duns Scotus agree with harmony between faith and reason. The reason is both of them came from One God both faith and reason. It is true that the Bible shows some awareness of the fact that not everyone believes in God. Many people are regarded as worshipping false gods rather than the true God, and it is noted that the fool has said in his heart that there is no God (Psalm 14:1). In Romans 1, Paul explains that there is a natural knowledge of God, which is sufficient to make human beings responsible before God, but that this knowledge can be and has been suppressed. The Bible as a whole seems to assume that people are aware of Gods reality, or at least that they can be aware of God without any special revelation or philosophical argument.  [11]   People thought either reason or faith is better than another. However, Thomas accepts both reason and faith are God-given faculties, and they cannot ultimately be opposed one another. The reason people believe one is better than another is either philosophy has been misused or faith has mistook Gods revelation. The proper sphere of reason is philosophy, in which man seeks to discover the first cause and final purpose of all his manifold experience, and the departmental sciences in which man seeks to discover immediate causes and how they operate in particular fields. The object and aim of philosophy and the sciences is to discover truth. Now St. Thomas believes that God is Truth and the Source of all truth. Hence all mans efforts to aim true knowledge are really directed towards God.  [12]   Thomas Aquinas Background and Thoughts Aristotles Effect Aristotle attempt about god influenced not only the history of philosophy but also the history of Christianity deeply and widely. Aristotle systematized thoughts about god that previous people had, and he especially developed ideas of god based on the idea of a philosopher Parmenides. Many theologians did not have free from the ideas of Aristotle for a long time. For example, Parmenides term, unmoved mover, flowed into the idea of Aristotle, and philosopher Aristotles conception came into the proof of God of theologian Thomas Aquinas.  [13]   I take Thomass relationship to Aristotle to be a complex one, and hardly one of disciple to master. Thomas is surely an admirer of Aristotle and a brilliant commentator on his writings. In particular, he thinks Aristotle more useful for Christian theology than Plato, not least because Aristotle helps him focus on and analyze the concrete particular existing thing, which for him fits well with the Christian ideas of creation and incarnation.  [14]   However, even though Aquinas used the thoughts and terms of Aristotle, Aquinas developed Aristotles things toward Christian things.  [15]  According to Bauerschmidt, Thomas is not an Aristotelian, because his strong interest in Aristotle must be balanced by the fact that he draws upon a wide range of thinkers, including the two very different forms of Neoplatonic Christian theology represented by Augustine and by Dionysius the Arepagite, both of whom are pervasive influences on Thomass writings, because he is willing to change Aristotle both when he conflicts with divine revelation and when Thomas judges him to be philosophically inadequate.  [16]   Aristotle and Aquinas have many similar thoughts on the way that the human person should live. Both of them believe that humans are rational beings. They also believe that because humans are rational they can follow their instincts and live a life of moral goodness. Aquinas however, believed that God was leading human beings to a rational, moral life, while Aristotle believed that being moral was naturally inherent in human beings. Although they had different views as to why human beings should want to live a good life, they both agreed that the one thing that humans should strive for is eudaimonia. Aquinas, being an Aristotelian, agreed with many of the ways in which Aristotle viewed the human person. However, where he diverged was his belief in God. He took the teachings of Aristotle and added God to them so that they would allow for more acceptances from our Christian society.  [17]   Aquinas Harmony Thomas Aquinas was very wise theologian and philosopher in terms of his attempted to use philosophy to explain the God.  [18]  Aquinas believed that everything on the earth came from the one God, so the creatures of God showed people Himself. Aquinas took up a positive attitude to use reason, and pursuit the harmony not only between theology and philosophy, but also between faith and reason. In this perspective, Thomas Aquinas tried to prove the existence of God in his book, Summa Theologiae. However, to Aquinas, theology is always better than philosophy and above it. Aquinas did not think that the proof of the existence of God is proving the existence of the Christians God. Rather Aquinas does this not to prove to the atheist the a God exists but to show that the normal way in which people use the word God is not nonsensicalà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.  [19]   In his achievements, Summa Theologiae and Summa Contra Gentiles, there is the proof of existence of God by five ways. The arguments are 1) from motion, 2) from the nature of the efficient cause, 3) from possibility and necessity, 4) from the gradation to be found in things, and 5) from the governance of things. Aquinas used some terms and ideas of Aristotle in his argument. Even though Thomas Aquinas and his proof of existence of God were not perfect, his effort to make harmony between reason and faith, his attempt to meet the ideas of philosophers, and his humility to the Christian God must be honored by Christians who are ignoring reason.  [20]   The Five Way and Sources The First way: Motion It is certain, and evident to our senses, that in the world some things are in motion. But whatever moves is moved by something else, for nothing can be moved unless it has a potential for that toward which it is moved; whereas something moves inasmuch as it is actual, since motion is nothing other than the transition of something from potentiality to actuality. But nothing can be moved from potentiality to actuality except by something in a state of actuality.  [21]   Thomas Aquinas was very much aware of the fact that he was using materials form philosophical tradition. People may think that the First Ways remote origin is Platos reduction of all movements to a being or form which is essentially movement.  [22]   However, St. Thomas argument is directly dependent on Aristotles demonstration of the existence of the First unmoved Mover, especially in his book, the Physics.  [23]   Did motion itself ever come into existence, never having been before? And will it in like manner cease to be, so that nothing will move thereafter? Or did it never begin to be and will it never cease to be, so that there always has been and always will be motion, belonging to all things as their deathless and never- failing property and constituting a kind of life for everything that is constituted by nature?  [24]   If a thing is in motion it is, of necessity, being kept in motion by something. If it has not the source of its motion within itself, then it is clear enough that it is being moved by something. If on the other hand its source of motion is in itself, let AB represent something that is in motion, not accidentally by virtue of some part of it being on motion, but primarily and in itselfà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.The series mist therefore come to an end, and there must be a first moved mover.  [25]   The second way: Causality People may say that the second way was prepared by Platos doctrine of the Demiurge that framed the world, and Aquinas seems to ascribe the argument to Aristotle.  [26]   However, the Second way came to be used by several authors, at least in a less formal manner, such as Cicero, Philo, and Avicenna.  [27]   Furthermore, Aristotle could hardly demonstrate of Gods existence, but Aquinas refrains from reading a demonstration of Gods existence in to these lines.  [28]   In the perceptible world we find that there is an order of efficient causes; but we do not find, nor could we find, anything that is the efficient cause of itself, for in that case it would be prior to itself, which is impossible. Now in efficient causes it is not possible to go on to infinity, because in every ordered series of efficient causes the first is the cause of the intermediate cause, and the intermediate is the cause of the ultimate cause, whether there are many intermediate causes or only oneà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Therefore it is necessary to accept some first efficient cause, to which everyone gives the name of God.  [29]   The Third Way: Contingency The third way is taken from possibility and necessity, and goes like this: we find among things those that have the possibility of existing or not existing, since they are found to be generated, and to corrupt, and consequently have the possibility of existing or not existing. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Therefore, if at one time nothing was in existence, it would have been impossible for anything to have begun to exist; and thus even now nothing would exist-which is obviously false. Therefore one must posit the existence of something that is the necessity of other things. This is what everyone speaks of as God.  [30]   St. Augustine takes up Platonic argument: whatever changes, does not exist of itself but is made by another, and St. John Damascene takes this argument.  [31]   Besides, the non-Christian authors also developed a proof of the existence of God from the mutability of things.  [32]   While, people must conclude that Aquinas used the Third Way in a novel and original way to construct an argument which is his own, because St. Thomas followed the Jewish philosopher quite closely and because he has differences come to light and an essential part.  [33]  . The Forth Way: Properties One finds among things that there are some more and some less good, true, noble, and so forth. But more and less are said of different things insofar as they approach, in their different ways, something that is the maximum, as in the case of a thing being said to be hotter insofar as it most nearly resembles that which is hottestà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Therefore there must also be something that is to all beings the cause of their existence, goodness, and every other perfection; and this we call God.  [34]   The ultimate source of the Fourth Way is Plato. There is an outline of the argument in the Symposium, and St. Thomas also uses the argument in a form which goes back to Proclus.  [35]   St. Thomas Aquinas acknowledges this attachment of the argument to Plato. Leo explained, above all Aristotle teaches the unity of being, which to St. Thomas is of paramount importance: the transcendental coalesce in the unity of the concrete thing and do not constitute juxtaposed distinct formal realities.  [36]   Obviously, however, the argument of St. Thomas fundamentally differs from Platos view of participation. The Fifth way: Design The fifth way is based on the guidedness of nature. Goal-directed behavior is observed in all bodies obeying natural laws, even when they lack awareness. Their behavior hardly ever varies and practically always turns out well, showing that they truly tend to goals and do not merely hit them by accident. But nothing lacking awareness can tend to a goal except it be directed by someone with awareness and understanding; the arrow, for example, requires an archer. Everything in nature, therefore, is directed to its goal by someone with understanding, and this we call God.  [37]   The teleological argument, the fifth way, is that proof of Gods existence which is most widely found in religious and philosophical tradition.  [38]   The reason is that it is obvious to man that order does not come from nothing but requires someone who arranges things.  [39]   Xenophon, Plato, and Aristotle present the argument in their books, Memorabilia, Timaeus and the Laws, and De philosophia. St. Thomas quotes a text to this effect of St. John Damascenus. Conclusion In summary, St. Thomas Aquinas used philosophical idea and terms to proof of existence of God in his book, Summa Theologiae. Finding the ideas of Aristotle, Plato, and Xenophon in the book of Aquinas is not difficult, because Aquinas acknowledged philosophy and philosophical methods to one of gifts given from God. Therefore, St. Thomas Aquinas is a person who tried to use philosophy to understand revelation. To Aquinas, reason and faith are important to recognize God. However, even though Thomas accepted philosophy, he did not remain the area of philosophy. Thomas developed philosophical thoughts to theological ideas and Christian thoughts. Therefore, St. Thomas Aquinas is n wise person in terms of filling the gap between reason and faith. Thomas uniquely unites the two sides of the debate within the proof, so, in this proof, people find a synthesis of Thomas philosophy and theology.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Dwight D Eisenhower :: essays research papers

Dwight D Eisenhower was our thirty-fourth president, serving from 1953 to 1961. He was born in Texas in 1890, and brought up in Abilene, Kansas. He was very good in sports in High school and recieved an appointment to West Point. He was stationed in Texas as second lieutenant where he met Mamie Geneva Doud, whom he married in 1916. He excelled at many staff assignments and served under the guidance of many great generals. After Pearl Harbor he was called to Washington for a war plans assignment. He commanded the allied forces landing in North Africa in November 1942. On D-Day, 1944, he was the supreme commander of the troops invading France. After the war he became President of Columbia University. In 1951 he took supreme command over the new NATO forces. Republican emmissaries to his headquarters near Paris persuaded him to run for President. On June 4, 1952 he announced his candidacy for the Republican Party nomination for Presidency. He was soon nominated at the Republican convent ion and elected on November 4, 1952. He was able to use the catchy slogan â€Å"I Like Ike† to help him win. He was able to serve two terms as President of the United States from January 20, 1953 to January 20, 1961. He saw the end of the Korean War, and promoted â€Å"Atoms for Peace† and dealt with several crisis in Lebanon, Suez, Berlin, and Hungary in Foreign affairs. He helped make Alaska and Hawaii become states. Throughout his presidency he was very concerned with civil rights issues and the interstate highway system in domestic affairs. Between his two terms he suffered a heart attack in September 1955 in Denver, Colorado. He left the hospital after seven weeks and was reelected for his second term in November. President Eisenhower was very concerned with promoting peace and equality. He began with the desegregation of schools, of which he had to send troops into Little Rock, Arkansas to assure the compliance with the Federal courts decision. He also ordered th e complete desegregation of the armed forces. He wrote â€Å" There must be no second class citizens in this country.† A program that eisenhower was quite proud of was his â€Å"Atoms for Peace† program which was the loan of American uranium to â€Å"have not† nations for peaceful purposes.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

How Islam responds to Relationships Essay

Introduction Throughout this project, the intention of the information is to answer the question: How does the religion of Islam respond to issues on relationships? All through this Booklet, I have kept in mind to focus on the ideas of Islamic relationships and what this means to a Muslim, in the Islamic definition. In Islam a definition of relationships means marriage, contract, sex, families, children etc. Therefore, if applied to Islam in liaison to the now modern everyday life this would involve issues such as * Men & Women’s Roles in the family * Beliefs about the ethics of Divorce * Beliefs about sexual Relationships * Religious attitude to the use of contraception These are the subjects I will be talking about and looking over at the Islamic perspective on these topics of concern. To portray the view Islam has over these issues I will be using: * The genuine teachings from the word of our God `Allah` himself, doing this through the Qur’an. * Referring to important hadiths (lessons) and quotes from the prophet Mohammed (pbuh) * The message given out today by the most knowledgeable top scholars. These should give a clear message of what, the view on these issues used to be like, how they have progressed and possibly altered over the years, the differences on these matters from today in contrast to when the religion began, and how it is today, right now in Muslim houses and nations across the world. Islamic Marriage Ceremonies Marriage (nikah) is a solemn and sacred social contract between bride and groom. This contract is a strong covenant; `Mithaqun Ghalithun` as expressed in Qur’an 4:21. The marriage contract in Islam is not a sacrament. It is revocable, both parties mutually agree and enter into this contract. Both bride and groom have the liberty to define various terms and conditions of their liking and make them a part of this contract. Mahr The marriage-gift (Mahr) is God’s command. The giving of mahr to the bride by the groom is an essential part of the contract. ‘And give the women (on marriage) their mahr as a (nikah) free gift† (Qur’an 4:4) Mahr is a token commitment of the husband’s responsibility and may be paid in cash, property or movable objects to the bride herself. The amount of mahr is not legally specified, however, moderation according to the existing social norm is recommended. The mahr may be paid immediately to the bride at the time of marriage, or deferred to a later date, or a combination of both. The deferred mahr however, falls due in case of death or divorce. One matrimonial party expresses `ijab` willing consent to enter into marriage and the other party expresses `qubul` acceptance of the responsibility in the assembly of marriage ceremony. The contract is written and signed by the bride and the groom and their two respective witnesses. This written marriage contract (`Aqd-Nikah`) is then announced publicly. Sermon The assembly of nikah is addressed with a marriage sermon (khutba-tun-nikah) by the Muslim officiating the marriage. In marriage societies, customarily, a state appointed Muslim judge (Qadi) officiates the nikah ceremony and keeps the record of the marriage contract. However any trust worthy practicing Muslim can conduct the nikah ceremony, as Islam does not advocate priesthood. The documents of marriage contract/certificate are filed with the mosque (masjid) and local government for record. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) made it his tradition (sunnah) to have marriage sermon delivered in the assembly to solemnize the marriage. The sermon invites the bride and the groom, as well as the participating guests in the assembly to a life of piety, mutual love, kindness, and social responsibility. The Khutbah-tun-Nikah begins with the praise of Allah. His help and guidance is sought. The Muslim confession of faith that ‘There is none worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad is His servant and messenger† is declared. The three Qur’anic verses (Qur’an 4:1, 3:102, 33:70-71) and one Prophetic saying (hadith) form the main text of the marriage. This hadith is: ‘By Allah! Among all of you I am the most God-fearing, and among you all, I am the foremost held responsible to save myself from the wrath of Allah, yet my state is that I observe prayer and sleep too. I observe fast and suspend observing them; I marry woman also. And he who turns away from my Sunnah has no relation with me†. The Muslim officiating the marriage ceremony concludes the ceremony with prayer (Dua) for bride, groom, their respective families, the local Muslim community, and the Muslim community at large (Ummah) Marriage (nikah) is considered as an act of worship (Ibadah). It is honourable to conduct it in a Mosque keeping the ceremony simple. The marriage ceremony is a social as well as a religious activity. Islam advocates simplicity in ceremonies and celebrations. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) considered simple weddings the best weddings: ‘The best wedding is that upon which the least trouble and expense is bestowed†. Primary Requirements 1) Mutual agreement (Ijab-O-Qubul) by the bride and the groom. 2) Two adult and sane witnesses. 3) Mahr (marriage-gift) to be paid by the groom to the bride either immediately (muajjal) or deferred (muakhkhar), or a combination of both. Secondary Requirements 1) Legal guardian (wakeel) representing the bride. 2) Written marriage contract (â€Å"Aqd-Nikah) signed by the bride and the groom and witnesses by two adult and sane witnesses. 3) Qadi (State appointed Muslim judge) or Ma’zoon (a responsible person officiating the marriage ceremony) 4) Khutba-tun-Nikah to solemnize the marriage. The Marriage Banquet (Walima) After the consummation of the marriage, the groom holds a banquet called a walima. The relatives, neighbours, and friends are invited in order to make them aware of the marriage. Both rich and poor of the family and community are invited to the marriage feasts. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: ‘The worst of the feasts are those marriage feasts to which the rich are invited and the poor are left out†. (Mishkat) It is recommended that Muslims attend marriage ceremonies and marriage feasts upon invitation. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: â€Å"†¦and he who refuses to accept an invitation to a marriage feast, verily disobeys Allah and His Prophet†. (Ahmad & Abu Dawood) Roles of Men and Women within an Islamic Family Islam teaches that men and women are equal and that Allah will judge them equally according to the way in which they have lived. Men and women are quite obviously different from each other and each have their own qualities, both of these joined together in the act of marriage is what makes a family work well. Due to the differences and qualities, men and women have different responsibilities to their children and to each other. These responsibilities are in no terms biased against women, the responsibilities laid upon the parents are balanced and equally as important to one another. Men do have the quality of normally being physically and mentally stronger than women, and for this, they are expected to provide his wife(s) with sufficient money to allow her to buy food, take care of the house and look after the children. But this does not mean that the father just has a financial role, not at all, the father is the leader of the home in Islam, it is his responsibility to set the social and emotional nature for the home and family. Men’s responsibility in Islam goes far beyond only financial. If the father is emotionally distant, perpetually angry, or closed off, chances are this will reflect throughout the rest of the family. Thus, the role of the father and husband as a â€Å"tone-setter† is a key element in the leadership & running of the household. I notice in my own home that when my father is engaged in reading/activities, I will take interest and want to join him. Rather than get upset at me for interrupting him, he will usually try to include me in what he is doing in a way that is playful and educational. This allows me to take an interest in it as well, increasing the bond and emotional connection between us. Islam gives fathers and mothers a great deal of responsibility for raising their children. It was narrated that ‘Abd-Allaah ibn ‘Umar heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) say, â€Å"Each of you is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock. The leader is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock. The man is the shepherd of his family and he is responsible for his flock. The woman is the shepherd of her husband’s household and is responsible for her flock. The servant is a shepherd of his master’s wealth and is responsible for his flock.† He said, I heard this from the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). Women are expected to cook food, clean the house, and take care of the children but the fathers do also have a part in the upbringing of the children and the daily house chores as Mohammed (pbuh) used to help his wife Khadija at the housework as well. Also equal rights are given to both the women and men in Islam; Women do have the right to study if they which, to refuse a marriage, to divorce, to inheritance, to keep their own names, to own property, to take part in politics, whether they are married or not. Women are owed more respect in Islam than men and the pathway to heaven is at your mother’s feet. Muslim Beliefs about the Ethics of Divorce Muslim marriage is supported by Islam and is classified as a very good act between a man and women however Muslims are not so ignorant to think that marriages don’t fail. They do, it is acknowledged that they do, and since marriage is a legal contract between two people and if the continuation of a marriage brings misery to the couple and their children, it can be undone. In a hadith it states; `If a wife fears cruelty or desertion on her husbands part, there is no blame on the, if they arrange an amicable settlement between themselves; and such settlement is best; even though men’s souls are swayed by greed` Also it is said that of all things allowed in Islam but disliked (this is known as `makrooh` e.g. smoking) Divorce is the most hated of them all. A man cannot seek to have a divorce from his wife until it is certain that she is not pregnant, as they may change their mind and try and give it another go if the woman is pregnant. Also as divorce is much hated and is not to be done lightly at all, once divorce has been announced there is a period of three months called `iddah` this is a period of three months to allow for a possible reconciliation of the marriage. If there is no reconciliation then the divorce is permitted to take place. A woman is also allowed to have a divorce, either by an agreement with her husband or because of his treatment of her. Children are regarded as illegitimate if their parents are not married and, according to Shari’ah law, the father has no legal responsibility. These are the complete conditions of marriage in the contract and the circumstances in which it is permitted, backed up by quotes from the Qur’an. Requirements; * Marriage implies that both husband and wife are able to live with one another with kindness, respect and cooperation. It is their responsibility to raise a family and it is a covenant binding on both parties. * There are times when marriages fail and no solution can be found except divorce. * The Qur’an orders men to either live with their wives on good terms or divorce them, but they are not to hold them hostage: â€Å"When you divorce a woman and they are about to fulfill their Idda, either take them back on equitable terms or set them free, but do not take them back to injure them.† Chapter 2, verse 231. * A woman has the right to seek a divorce from her husband if she feels that their marriage is doomed. â€Å"If you indeed fear that they would be unable to keep the limits ordained by God, there is no blame on either of them if she gives something for her freedom.† Chapter 2, verse 229 Muslim Beliefs about Sexual Relationships In Islam, sexuality is considered part of our identity as human beings. In His creation of humankind, God distinguished us from other animals by giving us reason and will such that we can control behaviour that, in other species, is governed solely by instinct. So, although sexual relations ultimately can result in the reproduction and survival of the human race, an instinctual concept, our capacity for self-control allows us to regulate this behaviour. Also, the mere fact that human beings are the only creatures who engage in sexual relations once they are beyond the physical capacity for reproduction, sets us apart from all other species, which engage in sex for the sole purpose of reproduction. Beyond childbearing, sexual relations assume a prominent role in the overall well being of the marriage. In reading hadith, one is impressed with the Prophet’s ability to discuss all issues including those dealing with human sexuality. The topics range from questions about menstruation to orgasm. He apparently was not embarrassed by such inquiries, but strove to adequately guide and inform the Muslims who asked. Both Qur’an and hadith allude to the nature of sexual relations as a means of attaining mutual satisfaction, closeness and compassion between a wife and husband. â€Å"Permitted to you on the night of the Fasts is the approach to your wives. They are your garments and you are their garments.†(2:187) Adultery Also, Muslims are advised to avoid sexual intercourse during menses so as not to cause discomfort to the woman. It could be said that Islam has a very realistic attitude towards sex and realises that both men and women can be tempted to have a sexual relationship outside of marriage. Sexual activity of any kind is explicitly forbidden and adultery by the husband or the wife is a serious crime. `Nor come night to adultery: for it is a shameful deed and an evil, opening the road to other evils` (surah 17:32) Sex Before Marriage Naturally, attraction between individuals is necessary to initiate a relationship that leads to marriage. But sexual relations can obviously take place between any couple, consenting or not. Because of the far-reaching ramifications of sexual relations outside of marriage, God prohibits Muslims from such behaviour. And because the process that leads to physical attraction and ultimately intimacy is part of human nature, Muslims are advised to behave in a way and avoid circumstances that could potentially result in extra- or pre-marital sex. Modesty in dress and behaviour between women and men figures prominently as a means of exhibiting self-control. Similarly, unmarried couples are admonished against spending time alone in isolated places where they would be more likely to act on their feelings and thus be less inhibited. Homosexuality Human beings are capable of many forms of sexual expression, orientation and identification. The existence of such a variety again is not found in any other species and thus further demonstrates our uniqueness among God’s creations. The potential for behaviour, such as homosexuality, does not mean that its practice is lawful in the eyes of God. Therefore, individuals are expected to control themselves and not act on their desires if such action is contrary to the guidelines of Islam. Homosexuality, like other forms of sexual relations outside of heterosexual marriage, is thus prohibited. In any discussion of prohibited acts follows the question of what happens if they nevertheless occur. The Qur’an and hadith are explicit regarding severe punishment by the State if a person is convicted of such a crime. However, in order for conviction to take place, the individuals must confess or be accused by at least four eyewitnesses of the act of actual intercourse. Obviously, the likelihood of these criteria being met is small which means that most couples who engage in unlawful acts will not be punished by the State. They will then deal with the consequences of their behaviour in this life and will be accountable to God on the Day of Judgement. Only He knows how He ultimately judges. Muslim Beliefs about Contraception Contraception Although Muslims are encouraged to have children, contraception is not prohibited. The method used during the time of the Prophet was `coitus interruptus` (known as ‘azl`) about which several hadith exist. His basic response when asked if such a practice was lawful was that individuals can do as they will, but if God intends for a child to be born, she/he will be born. Some interpreted this to mean that preventing pregnancy is not recommended because childbearing is preferred; yet the act is not specifically prohibited. Also, other hadith stipulate that ‘azl could not be practiced without the wife’s consent as it might interfere with her sexual satisfaction or desire to bear children. The Qur’an does not make any explicit statements about the morality of contraception, but contains statements encouraging procreation. Various interpretations have been set forth over time, and at the time of this writing, discussions on the web can be found easily that take various positions. Early Muslim literature discusses various contraceptive methods, and a study sponsored by the Egyptian government concluded that not only was azl (coitus interruptus) acceptable from a moral standpoint, but any similar method that did not produce sterility was also acceptable. â€Å"It is permissible to use condoms so long as this does not cause any harm and so long as both husband and wife consent to their use, because this is similar to ‘azl (coitus interruptus or â€Å"withdrawal†). But it reduces the sensation of pleasure, which is the right of both partners, and reduces the chance of conception, which is also the right of both partners. Neither one of them is allowed to deprive the other of these rights. And Allaah is the course of strength.† –, Sex and Sexuality in Islam – Condoms (2005) [4] By analogy, the methods that exist today as contraceptives are lawful for Muslims to use at their discretion. Basically, it is our position that any method that does not involve pregnancy termination is permissible. Imam al-Ghazzali lists a number of legitimate reasons for practicing contraception, including; * Financial difficulty * Threat to mothers health * Chance of child being born with mental or physical deformities * Emotional or psychological hardship * Already having many children * Preservation of beauty and health. It should be clear from this discussion, that since sexual relations should be confined to marriage, contraception is so limited. It is not considered a means of easing the difficulties associated with sexual relations outside of marriage and should most certainly not be used in this way at all. Conclusion Overall, all in all in my total truthful opinion, I do believe that Islam the true words from Allah does promote marriage among society, does accept that marriages do fail and permits divorce and the use of contraception. I accept that marriage breakages can happen and that they cannot be forbidden as the continuous misery of two people is worse than the split of their marriage so it should be permitted. However I do think that in today’s modern society people are getting married with the thought that they can just divorce if it goes wrong but I believe this is truly wrong! People should seriously contemplate whether or not the time is right for them to get married before they just go into it. Also despite being Muslim myself I feel that the permittance of a man having more than one wife is wrong and unfair on the women themselves, because no matter how fair the man wants to be, he’ll never be able to treat all them with the same fairness. Also I don’t feel that a man is able to truly love more than one woman at the same time, so having more than one fair would make one think that the man doesn’t actually love any of his wives but keeps them for pleasurably reasons only. I also have to disagree with a certain Shari’ah law stating that `Children are regarded as illegitimate if their parents are not married and, according to Shari’ah law, the father has no legal responsibility` I believe this to be unjust as women cannot become pregnant by herself; the man in full knowledge of what he was doing had sex with her, giving him responsibility for any offspring created from it. Also men may very well use this law as a means of taking advantage of women as they will not be held responsible for any children created as a result of it. Apart from those, Islam has a very modern and fair way of looking at relationships, and apart from those mentioned I don’t believe that women are treated unfairly in anyway at all. Bibliography The holy qur’an the companions of the prophet book2 al-nawawi’s 40 hadiths Religion & equality booklet

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Walking Contradiction

Now I know how parents may feel when their teenage kids are playing there depressing and gothic music at full blast at the middle of the night. It's clear that most people's opinions are that the lyrics featured in these gothic or metal bands are usually to do with some sort of bad language, death and violence. A feature most predominantly in many of Marilyn Manson's songs. A quote reveals how people judge him for every circumstance â€Å"when a dude's getting bullied and shoots up the school and they blame it on Marilyn, and the heroin† This reveals people's attitude towards this individual. In any case people have their preferences and mine include Beegees. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a golden oldie, but the best music had to have been made in the 70's or 80's. Perfectly good examples of these would have been Abba and Gloria Gaynor. Now neither of these people needed to promote sex, drugs and rock and roll to sell records, which is what seems to be happening today. Artists seem to swear more and more to sell more and more, now tell me is this right? Any ways don't get me wrong not every artist is like that†¦ There are a handful of bands, which don't need negative aspects to sell their music. One band in particular is Kool and the gang, now if I may claim to liking the classic band does that necessarily mean that I must write off every modern day music as some of you people do. All of you people seem to be determined to write off any artists that bear the name Eminem or Marilyn Manson, or any artists that swear or have some sort of opinion not matching yours. The truth about the matter is that you use these individuals as scapegoats, so that you have something to blame when your child has done something wrong or you have something to blame for the way your child behaves. The fact of the matter is that music is a way of expression, and that no matter how or why people complain about aspects of it the reality is that you are powerless to stop any kind of music from coming out. But most importantly you are powerless to stop your children from listening to it. At the end people can listen to whatever type of music, from anything from Bob Marley's â€Å"No woman No cry† to a more modern day song such as Rage Against The Machine's â€Å"Bullet in the head†. I personally have gotten into Metallica recently, just like how a vampire needs his blood, I admittedly need to listen to the enlightening and somewhat depressing lyrics, as well as the bone crunching and indoctrinating guitar riffs daily. Without these I am happy to say that I would be a lifeless, dull and uncaring individual (One which requires someone to master him as a puppet). But with all this said hate and love have been with us from the beginning of time, and they will continue to be with us until the end. I only ask that people take in the fact that drugs and violence have always been in lyrics and will forever remain so, the key thing is to learn to deal with it! Show preview only

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Creating Your Own Lesson Plan Calendar

Creating Your Own Lesson Plan Calendar It is easy to become overwhelmed when you begin planning units of study and individual lessons for a school year. Some teachers  start with their first unit and continue until the year ends with the attitude that if they didnt complete all the units then thats the way life is. Others try to plan their units in advance but run into events that cause them to lose time. A lesson plan calendar can help by giving a realistic overview of what they can expect in terms of instructional time.   Materials Needed: Blank CalendarSchool CalendarPencil Steps for Creating  a Lesson Plan Calendar Get a blank calendar and a pencil. You dont want to use pen because you will probably need to add and erase items over time.Mark off all vacation days on the calendar. I generally just draw a big X right through those days.Mark off any known testing dates. If you dont know the specific dates but you do know in which month testing will occur, write a note at the top of that month along with the approximate number of instructional days you will lose.Mark any scheduled events that will interfere with your class. Again if you are unsure of the specific dates but know the month, make a note at the top with the number of days you expect to lose. For example, if you know that Homecoming occurs in October and you will lose three days, then write three days at the top of the October page.Count up the number of days left, subtracting for days noted at the top of each month.Subtract one day each month for unexpected events. At this time, if you want, you can choose to subtract the day before va cation begins if this is typically a day that you lose. What you have left is the maximum number of instructional days you can expect for the year. You will be using this in the next step.Go through the Units of Study necessary to cover the standards for your subject and decide the number of days you think will be needed to cover each topic. You should use your text, supplementary materials, and your own ideas to come up with this. As you go through each unit, subtract the number of days required from the maximum number determined in step 7.Adjust your lessons for each unit until your result from Step 8 equals the maximum number of days.Pencil in the start and completion date for each unit on your calendar. If you notice that a unit would be split by a long vacation, then you will need to go back and readjust your units.Throughout the year, as soon as you find out a specific date or new events that will remove instructional time, go back to your calendar and readjust.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Brooklyn Bridge Construction and History

Brooklyn Bridge Construction and History Of all the engineering advances in the 1800s, the Brooklyn Bridge stands out as perhaps the most famous and most remarkable. It took more than a decade to build, cost the life of its designer, and was constantly criticized by skeptics who predicted the entire structure was going to collapse into New Yorks East River. When it opened on May 24, 1883, the world took notice and the entire U.S. celebrated. The great bridge, with its majestic stone towers and graceful steel cables, isnt just a beautiful New York City landmark. Its also a very dependable route for many thousands of daily commuters. John Roebling and His Son Washington John Roebling, an immigrant from Germany, did not invent the suspension bridge, but his work building bridges in America made him the most prominent bridge builder in the U.S. in the mid-1800s. His bridges over the Allegheny River at Pittsburgh (completed in 1860) and over the Ohio River at Cincinnati (completed 1867) were considered remarkable achievements. Roebling began dreaming of spanning the East River between New York and Brooklyn (which were then two separate cities) as early as 1857 when he drew designs for enormous towers that would hold the bridges cables. The Civil War put any such plans on hold, but in 1867 the New York State legislature chartered a company to build a bridge across the East River. Roebling was chosen as its chief engineer. Just as work was beginning on the bridge in the summer of 1869, tragedy struck. John Roebling severely injured his foot in a freak accident as he was surveying the spot where the Brooklyn tower would be built. He died of lockjaw not long after, and his son Washington Roebling, who had distinguished himself as a Union officer in the Civil War, became chief engineer of the bridge project. Challenges Met by the Brooklyn Bridge Talk of somehow bridging the East River began as early as 1800, when large bridges were essentially dreams. The advantages of having a convenient link between the two growing cities of New York and Brooklyn were obvious. But the idea was thought to be impossible because of the width of the waterway, which, despite its name, wasn’t really a river. The East River is actually a saltwater estuary, prone to turbulence and tidal conditions. Further complicating matters was the fact that the East River was one of the busiest waterways on earth, with hundreds of crafts of all sizes sailing on it at any time. Any bridge spanning the water would have to allow for ships to pass beneath it, meaning a very high suspension bridge was the only practical solution. And the bridge would have to be the largest bridge ever built, nearly twice the length of the famed Menai Suspension Bridge, which had heralded the age of great suspension bridges when it opened in 1826. Pioneering Efforts of the Brooklyn Bridge Perhaps the greatest innovation dictated by John Roebling was the use of steel in the construction of the bridge. Earlier suspension bridges had been built of iron, but steel would make the Brooklyn Bridge much stronger. To dig the foundations for the bridge’s enormous stone towers, caissons- enormous wooden boxes with no bottoms- were sunk in the river. Compressed air was pumped into them, and men inside would dig away at the sand and rock on the river bottom. The stone towers were built atop the caissons, which sank deeper into the river bottom.Caisson work was extremely difficult, and the men doing it, called â€Å"sandhogs,† took great risks. Washington Roebling, who went into the caisson to oversee work, was involved in an accident and never fully recovered. An invalid after the accident, Roebling stayed in his house in Brooklyn Heights. His wife Emily, who trained herself as an engineer, would take his instructions to the bridge site every day. Rumors thus abounded that a woman was secretly the chief engineer of the bridge. Years of Construction and Rising Costs After the caissons had been sunk to the river bottom, they were filled with concrete, and the construction of the stone towers continued above. When the towers reached their ultimate height, 278 feet above high water, work began on the four enormous cables that would support the roadway. Spinning the cables between the towers began in the summer of 1877, and was finished a year and four months later. But it would take nearly another five years to suspend the roadway from the cables and have the bridge ready for traffic. The building of the bridge was always controversial, and not just because skeptics thought Roebling’s design was unsafe. There were stories of political payoffs and corruption, rumors of carpet bags stuffed with cash being given to characters like  Boss Tweed, the leader of the political machine known as Tammany Hall. In one famous case, a manufacturer of wire rope sold inferior material to the bridge company. The shady contractor, J. Lloyd Haigh, escaped prosecution. But the bad wire he sold is still in the bridge, as it couldn’t be removed once it was worked into the cables. Washington Roebling compensated for its presence, ensuring the inferior material wouldn’t affect the strength of the bridge. By the time it was finished in 1883, the bridge had cost about $15 million, more than twice what John Roebling had originally estimated. While no official figures were kept on how many men died building the bridge, it has been reasonably estimated that about 20 to 30 men perished in various accidents. The Grand Opening The grand opening for the bridge was held on May 24, 1883. Some Irish residents of New York took offense as the day happened to be the birthday of Queen Victoria, but most of the city turned out to celebrate. President Chester A. Arthur came to New York City for the event, and led a group of dignitaries who walked across the bridge. Military bands played, and cannons in the Brooklyn Navy Yard sounded salutes. A number of speakers lauded the bridge, calling it a Wonder of Science and lauding its anticipated contribution to commerce. The bridge became an instant symbol of the age. Its early years are the stuff of both tragedy and legend, and today, nearly 150 years since its completion, the bridge functions every day as a vital route for New York commuters. And while the roadway structures have been changed to accommodate automobiles, the pedestrian walkway is still a popular attraction for strollers, sightseers, and tourists.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Ubiquitous Butt

The Ubiquitous Butt The Ubiquitous Butt The Ubiquitous Butt By Maeve Maddox The word butt in the sense of buttocks was once considered unsuitable for general use. Comedians used it to get a laugh, but it was not considered acceptable in polite conversation. Children were taught to use less offensive colloquialisms like rear-end or backside. Nowadays the word has become so acceptable that it has largely replaced buttock and buttocks, even in formal contexts: Best 10 Exercises to Tone Your Butt 18 Exercises to Tone Your Legs and Butt Butt Augmentation Options: Fat Injections vs Implants Dr. Constantino Mendieta: Miami Butt Augmentation Specialist Speakers used to attaching only one meaning to butt may be unfamiliar with other words that are spelled the same but have meanings unrelated to human or animal anatomy. The Oxford English Dictionary has fourteen entries for the word butt as a noun. Its sense of â€Å"human posterior† developed from this definition: The thicker end of anything, especially of a tool or weapon, the part by which it is held or on which it rests; e.g. the lower end of a spear-shaft, whip-handle, fishing-rod, the broad end of the stock of a gun or pistol. The etymology of butt in the sense of â€Å"thicker end† is obscure, but the word seems to be cognate with foreign words with such meanings as blunt, short, thickset, and stumpy. Boston butt This cut of meat does not come from the rear of an animal. It is the upper portion of a pork shoulder containing a small piece of the shoulder blade and characterized by leanness. The origin of this use of butt comes from this definition: â€Å"a cask for wine or ale; later, also a measure of capacity.† On the upper east coast of colonial America, butchers packed less prized cuts of pork like the shoulder of the pig into butts (barrels) for storage and transport. The shoulder cut packed in this way became associated with New England, chiefly Boston, hence, â€Å"Boston butt.† shooting an arrow at the butt Another definition of butt is â€Å"a hillock (small hill) or a mound.† A meaning that developed from butt as mound is â€Å"a mark for shooting.† Archery targets were set up on a mound or embankment. Because there were usually two butts on an archery range, one at each extremity of the range, one might speak of â€Å"a pair of butts.† Another term for an archery range is â€Å"the butts.† This butt comes from French but: â€Å"goal, target.† This meaning of butt as target gives us the expression â€Å"to be the butt of a joke†: â€Å"an object at which ridicule, scorn, or abuse, is aimed.† The word butt can also be used as a verb. One of its verbal meanings is â€Å"to strike, thrust, shove or push with the head or horns.† This butt is related to modern French bouter, â€Å"to strike, thrust, project† and gives us these expressions: to butt in: to intrude where one is not wanted. Example: Stop butting in our conversation. to butt out: to stop intruding or interfering. Example: I told him to butt out of my private affairs. A curious fact about the shortening of buttock to the shorter form butt is that buttock is itself a diminutive form of butt (â€Å"thicker end of something†). The suffix -ock is the same one that makes hillock mean â€Å"a small hill.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:16 Substitutes for â€Å"Because† or â€Å"Because Of†Among vs. AmongstBail Out vs. Bale Out

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Bitcoins vs Money Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Bitcoins vs Money - Essay Example Bitcoin system is entirely dependent on internet platforms, which are readily available across the globe because of the technological advancement (Rotman 1). Using Bitcoin, the average income earners can easily transact beyond border transactions without incurring extra costs in physically moving to those places. This essay examines the use of Bitcoin and money as applied in the current system. Kudlow Larry downplays the rise in use of digital currency. He cites the rapid fluctuations in prices by hundreds of dollars in the space as a key challenge that emanates from digital currency use. He outlines an example of an individual who buys an item for $500 but after the retailer processes payment, the digital currency falls to $100 in value. He resolves that both sellers and buyers make associated losses because bitcoin is not a reliable medium of exchange with dependable store of value (Kudlow 1). On the contrary, money has a store of value. Its value does not fluctuate as rapidly and frequently as in the case of digital currency. Because Bitcoin has no store of value, economists prefer the money system to digital currency. Digital money use has no border restrictions. Making cross-border transactions is easier and simpler than in the case of money. Money system is more reliable and regular fluctuations in prices do not affect it. Digital currency use will therefore not pose a significant effect on money use. The reason for this is that money system posses superior features like security and reliability that the digital currency system lacks. There are viewpoint that the rising use of digital currency like bitcoin transactions will not pose a significant impact countries’ economic progress. According to Gaulio, bitcoin transactions are easily traceable to their initiators hence American government, for instance, will fully advocate its use. In a state controlled digital economy, the taxation units will

Friday, October 18, 2019

Hypothetical Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hypothetical - Essay Example A statute may prohibit a certain act, direct a certain act, formulate a declaration, or propose governmental instruments to aid society. In Nazi Germany, those written laws made it legal for the government to commit genocide against certain groups such as Jews, homosexuals and gypsies. But at the same time, after World War II ended, Nazis were prosecuted for those same acts, under the impression that they have violated â€Å"natural law.† Some of the acts should be considered illegal, irrespective of what a statute says, or when it does not reflect law and morality. Suchs acts come under this provision. 1. If Javier sued Energy-Auto Inc., Javier is the plaintiff and Energy-Auto Inc is the defendant. Javier can file the case in New York court. Javier incurred $100,000 in damages so he can file suit in federal court. â€Å"Federal court jurisdiction is limited to the types of cases listed in the Constitution and specifically provided for by Congress. For the most part, federal courts only hear cases in which the United States is a HYPERLINK "" \l "parties" party; cases between citizens of different states if the amount in controversy exceeds $75,000 "diversityjurisdiction" and bankruptcy, copyright, patent, and maritime law cases† (Federal Judicial Center, n.d.). Federal court mainly handles these types of cases. State courts have wide jurisdiction, so the cases regarding individual people are most expected to be involved in state courts. For example robberies, broken agreements, traffic violations, and family disputes are generally tried in state courts. 2. Pahler v. Slayer: This case involves a civil proceedings brought by the parents of the murdered girl for illegal death naming the musical group Slayer and the companies, who encourage, market, record, and distribute their music under that name. This case mainly supplements the conversation of tort liability.   The case

International Banking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

International Banking - Essay Example on whereby an organisation or business has immediate cash needs, although it has assets, its trading position is not good enough to honour all cash obligations (Machiraju, 2013). This is described as the risk of overcapitalisation and it occurs when an organisation holds a lot of assets, but lacks the ability to convert the assets into cash in the short-run. In the banking sector, the issue of liquidity risk occurs in a distinct and unique manner. One fundamental assumption of banking is that depositors are not going to withdraw all their money at once (Matz, 2011). Banks are however required to hold assets that are mainly liquid in nature and convert them to cash in a very short term (Matz, 2011). Therefore, in banking parlance, liquidity is defined as â€Å"the ability of an economic agent to exchange his existing wealth for goods and services or other assets without incurring damaging losses† (Castagna & Fede, 2013, p. 18). Liquidity risks include funding liquidity which refers to the risk of settling obligations with the central bank as it occurs. There is also the market liquidity risk which revolves around the ability of a bank to settle its obligations to stakeholders on the market. This is the â€Å"inability to realise assets due to inadequate market depth, or market disruption† (Adalsteinsson, 2014, p. 26). Bank liquidity risks can be measured both internally and externally. Internally, bank liquidity risks are defined by international conventions and practices that are placed on the authorities and directors of the bank. This is to be done through the utilisation of various formulas put forward by international entities like the Basel Conventions. Basel III proposed that bank liquidity risks can be evaluated by assessing: These are insider indices and they are often done through the utilisation of privileged information that allows banks to evaluate trends and processes in their activities and affairs. However, to the ordinary investor, there is likely

Project Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 4

Project Management - Essay Example The paper ends with a summary that relates the four articles with each other and to the main topic. A list of references used in this paper is attached after the summary. In searching for articles to be used in this research paper, a basic search into the main topics was conducted. Key words such as "China", and "project management" were used in the search for journals that can be used. This resulted in a list of possible journal collections on the said keywords and two journals are refereed and fit the requirement of this research: The Project Management Journal collection as well as the International Journal of Project Management collection. In finding the appropriate articles, each journal collection was searched with key words such as "Western project management", "China project management" and "China" which generated articles as part of the specific journal collection. Since the search database was electronic, the four articles were chosen based on the availability of their full text for download. This journal entry is directly correlated with the research topic chosen as stated on the title. It lists, based on actual experimentation, the various PM practices that are not conflicting with the Chinese culture, and thus will be preferred and applied by most Chinese PM Practitioners. The article's main objective is to identify Chinese traditional culture that may not support the Western methodologies of project management which need to be reshaped in order to fit the PM practices (Wang and Liu 2007, p. 62). A survey was conducted among post-graduate students from the Yunnan province of China to ask their opinion on the topic, based on their work experiences. The results showed that the Chinese culture on avoiding conflict or the Doctrine of Mean does not hinder the PM integrating practice, however, their focus on family consciousness, strong hierarchy and boss orientation prevailed over the Western methodologies of horizontal management, task-oriented execution and performance-b ased execution (Wang and Liu 2007, p. 69). The length of service of the company as well as the type of Western PM training their practitioners received also affected the prioritized culture they displayed in project management. As a critique, the paper acknowledges its limitation in having done the survey only on one province in a country that has a large expanse and will have various sub-cultures as one travels through it (Wang and Liu 2007, p. 70). The conclusions presented are applicable to the Southwestern provinces at best, and will need to be cross-referenced with other studies to prove applicability of to China as a whole. Its strength lies on the fact that it considered various types of enterprises and years of existence in obtaining project experience. The article maybe accessed at . V. Article 2: Key project management practices affecting Singaporean firms' project performance in China This article is another significant study related to

Thursday, October 17, 2019

If you would provide a 5-6 page paper on Groupon, applying the Research

If you would provide a 5-6 page on Groupon, applying the principles of marketing - Research Paper Example The company offers a bundle of coupons with a target in mind; the target being a certain number of people willing to avail the particular product or service. If that target is reached, then that product/service is made available to the consumers, otherwise it’s not. The retailers treat these coupons as sales promotion or quantity discounts. The consumers pay for their purchase (coupon for a particular commodity or facility) to Groupon and it then splits the money charged with the retailer who provides that particular product or service to the consumers. Marketing and the Marketing process: The process of controlling and managing cost-effective and advantageous consumer associations is known as marketing. This process has two broad objectives which are: firstly to maintain and positively develop relationship with existing customers by ensuring customer satisfaction and secondly, to draw fresh clients with the help of a unique selling point that gives them an edge over their com petitors and the fresh clients recognize and cash this niche. The key to successful product marketing lies in the market understanding of the marketer, who should know the market trends as to what the consumers want or need, and then develops the product or service, keeping in mind the consumer`s desires which live up to their name and expectations. Then, the product or services must be priced in such a way that it is within the purchasing power of the target market, and its distribution and promotion should be such that the target market has easy access to it and its promoted in a way that it occupies the right place in the minds of the consumers. If all these steps are followed correctly and effectively then it ensures the success of the product or service. (Kotler and Armstrong 4-5) Groupon primarily focuses on major geographical locations where people have easy access to the internet; are literate, and there are successful companies operating in those areas who can offer the pro ducts and services and then, it approaches those companies with its offers and from there on, their marketing process proceeds accordingly. The company is following the marketing process very well. It analyses the major geographical locations to gain knowledge about the needs and wants of the customers of that particular location. It then approaches those companies who are willing to and can fulfil the wants and needs of the consumers’ while in step with the bundle coupon offering of Groupon. Next, they design a customer-driven marketing strategy by defining their target market and the best possible way to approach and serve their target market. Currently, their target market primarily comprises of youthful, cultured, and literate female clientele, since at present, the products and services they offer comprise mostly of fitness and beauty products and services. To approach their target market, they have come up with the unique and innovative concept of offering coupons (whic h offer a discount) on their website, and this is also their unique selling point and the quality that gives them an edge over competitors. Then with the aid of the marketing mix, the company prepares and integrated marketing plan and program so as to successfully deliver the promised value to its customers. Next comes the most important step in the marketing process, which is building customer relationships, and the company does so by fulfilling its promises and

Memo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

Memo - Essay Example The insurer has a duty to defense before a court of law. Insurance companies lose the right to defense only when there is conflict of interest. Insurance companies do not compensate the insured automatically before thorough analysis of the real cause of the losses which call for compensation. According to Devine (2006), the insurance company has a duty and a right to defend itself basing this on the principles governing the insurance contracts as stipulated in insurance law. Mr. and Mrs. Turner entered into an insurance contract with Youngston Company when they took a cover against any liability that arises other than injuries resulting from discharge, release, dispersal or escape from pollutants. These clauses specified the kind and extent of losses to be compensated whenever such specific liability arises. The policy language excluded losses suffered due to discharge, dispersal, release, or escape of pollutants. From the excerpt, we noted that the child became ill because of too mu ch lead in the body system. Insurance company should defend itself basing this on the language of the cover i.e. the cover would not cover any liabilities resulting from losses suffered due to escape of pollutants. In addition, the company is not liable for the losses suffered by a third party. During inception of the insurance contract, neither Mr. and Mrs. Cavanaugh nor any other person who rented the apartment, was mention in the contract. Since, the child belongs to the third party; the insurance company has a duty to defense based on this. However, the insurance policy issued by the company did not specify exactly the boundaries of compensation. The exclusion language did not mention the specific pollutants which will be covered by the policy. In addition, the policy cover did not specify whether the company should compensate any damages suffered by the third party. It is therefore the decision of the court to

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

If you would provide a 5-6 page paper on Groupon, applying the Research

If you would provide a 5-6 page on Groupon, applying the principles of marketing - Research Paper Example The company offers a bundle of coupons with a target in mind; the target being a certain number of people willing to avail the particular product or service. If that target is reached, then that product/service is made available to the consumers, otherwise it’s not. The retailers treat these coupons as sales promotion or quantity discounts. The consumers pay for their purchase (coupon for a particular commodity or facility) to Groupon and it then splits the money charged with the retailer who provides that particular product or service to the consumers. Marketing and the Marketing process: The process of controlling and managing cost-effective and advantageous consumer associations is known as marketing. This process has two broad objectives which are: firstly to maintain and positively develop relationship with existing customers by ensuring customer satisfaction and secondly, to draw fresh clients with the help of a unique selling point that gives them an edge over their com petitors and the fresh clients recognize and cash this niche. The key to successful product marketing lies in the market understanding of the marketer, who should know the market trends as to what the consumers want or need, and then develops the product or service, keeping in mind the consumer`s desires which live up to their name and expectations. Then, the product or services must be priced in such a way that it is within the purchasing power of the target market, and its distribution and promotion should be such that the target market has easy access to it and its promoted in a way that it occupies the right place in the minds of the consumers. If all these steps are followed correctly and effectively then it ensures the success of the product or service. (Kotler and Armstrong 4-5) Groupon primarily focuses on major geographical locations where people have easy access to the internet; are literate, and there are successful companies operating in those areas who can offer the pro ducts and services and then, it approaches those companies with its offers and from there on, their marketing process proceeds accordingly. The company is following the marketing process very well. It analyses the major geographical locations to gain knowledge about the needs and wants of the customers of that particular location. It then approaches those companies who are willing to and can fulfil the wants and needs of the consumers’ while in step with the bundle coupon offering of Groupon. Next, they design a customer-driven marketing strategy by defining their target market and the best possible way to approach and serve their target market. Currently, their target market primarily comprises of youthful, cultured, and literate female clientele, since at present, the products and services they offer comprise mostly of fitness and beauty products and services. To approach their target market, they have come up with the unique and innovative concept of offering coupons (whic h offer a discount) on their website, and this is also their unique selling point and the quality that gives them an edge over competitors. Then with the aid of the marketing mix, the company prepares and integrated marketing plan and program so as to successfully deliver the promised value to its customers. Next comes the most important step in the marketing process, which is building customer relationships, and the company does so by fulfilling its promises and

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Search on the internet for a graph in your field of study that is Statistics Project

Search on the internet for a graph in your field of study that is misleading and discuss. Please also attach a link to the graph so that we can refer to the graph in your discussion - Statistics Project Example The third bar’s height is more than double that of the second bar, yet the value it represents is not. There is definitely an inconsistency presented in the illustration of the valuation of the company. Another part of the graph which is misleading is the way the horizontal axis is scaled. Although the bars are equally spaced, the dates that they represent have uneven intervals. The first bar represented the month of December, the second bar represented January but the next two bars represented two dates in March. One also noticed that the valuation for May 2011 was not included in the graph. Furthermore, the month of July showed three separate bars indicating valuations for three different days in the month. The author of the graph should be consistent as to the time interval that he wants to depict in his graph. Does he want it to be bi-monthly or monthly? Moreover, if he chooses to make the scale on a monthly basis, figures shown should be the same date of every month. He can consider using the first day or the last day of the month. The consistency of information presented is vital to prevent misleading the interpreters of the graph. This illustration confuses the readers becau se the trend that is shown is not reflective of the real picture of the company valuation since different time intervals are shown. PrivCo. (2011, August 24). Facebook valuation suffers first-ever consecutive drop. Retrieved April 11, 2012, from

Monday, October 14, 2019

Mortuary And Anatomical Pathology Health And Social Care Essay

Mortuary And Anatomical Pathology Health And Social Care Essay The Mortuary and Anatomic Pathology unit forms part of the Pathology Department. It is linked to the Mater Dei Hospital complex via an underground service corridor through which bodies will be transported in a more dignified manner. It is also situated in an isolated part of the Mater Dei complex in order to allow for a more dignified preparation of our dear departed in the quieter part of the Hospital. The mortuary offers various other services which include: Receiving bodies from the Hospital and other institutions and sources such as the community. Preparing bodies for their funeral rites. In the mortuary, besides there being a room for preparation of bodies of people who believed in the Roman Catholic faith, there is also a room saved for preparation of bodies for people who believed in other religions and have different religious rites with regard to preparation of the dead The mortuary offers an autopsy service for the various Hospitals that require a post mortem examination. The mortuary at Mater Dei is also equipped to cater for forensic post mortem studies. In order to provide these services, the mortuary contains many facilities and machines. These facilities and machines include a cold storage, body fridges, a post mortem area and a laboratory, an embalming room and a body preparation room. Viewing rooms are also present to enable relatives and friends to pay their last respects to the departed in a more private atmosphere. There is also a Mortuary Chapel where relatives and friends can find time for moments of silence and reflection and participate in the final prayers recited just before the body is transferred to an awaiting hearse for its last voyage to the cemetery. Duties of the Scientist at the Mortuary The main duties of the scientist at the mortuary and anatomic pathology unit are the administration and management of assets and procedures available at the mortuary. These duties include: Administration: This role incorporates the logistical and scientific aspects relevant to a modern Mortuary and Anatomic pathology unit. This role also includes rendering a service to clients so it is imperative that good customer service is offered. All release forms, death certificates, general morgue forms and client information has to be documented and filed properly by the administrative staff. Post mortem examinations, which can be ordered either by the Consultant within the state Hospitals in what is known as a hospital post mortem or by the Magistrate on duty if the person died under suspicious circumstances. In this case a forensic post mortem is used. The autopsy is also essential in determining the cause of death of investigated individuals. Histology. The samples obtained from the body during the autopsy must be subjected to histopathological investigation. The samples obtained from the body during the autopsy receive the same treatment as those obtained from a living patient in an operating theatre. Other procedures such as Health and safety, procurement of specimens, chain of custody, documentation and many more procedures. The Relevance of a Post Mortem Examination. A post mortem examination is a careful examination of the departed individual. It can offer valuable clues as to how the person died as well as information regarding the illness and its effects on the body. It may also give a more precise indication with regard to how the individual died. Sometimes, even the best and most detailed post mortem examinations may not uncover the cause of death and may also leave certain questions unanswered. These investigations are usually carried out by a pathologist. A pathologist is a person who specialises in the laboratory study of disease and of diseased tissue. The pathologist is assisted by a scientist with specialist training in this particular field. Post mortems are carried out in special facilities located in the Hospital Mortuary. Post mortem examinations are a benefit to the medical profession as they provide information regarding health and illness that would not be discovered anywhere else. These examinations paved the way for both anatomical discoveries and new information regarding illnesses. Post mortem examinations help identify the cause of death of an individual, confirm the nature of the illness and also the extent of the disease and are capable of identifying other undiagnosed conditions. Another use of post mortem examinations is to assess the effects of treatments and drugs and help identify complications or side effects. A post mortem is a valuable tool for loved ones as it helps them understand why the individual died. Families can occasionally ask questions that can only be answered by information acquired from a post mortem. Some of the information obtained from a post mortem examination can benefit future children in the family and patients who suffer from similar illnesses. (Post mortem exam ination à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ information for relatives, 2007). Steps Taken to Maintain Health and Safety Standards in the Mortuary The Mortuary presents a number of health and safety risks for personnel. These risks include both health related, accidents due to working conditions and risks specific to working with human remains. These remains are a serious biohazard and are host to various pathogens and hazardous residues such as bacteria, infectious spores, infectious soft tissue and residues of military and industrial chemicals. These pathogens can be transmitted either by hand to mouth contact, contact with mucus membranes, or via the air in the autopsy room or body fluids such as blood. Additional risks to transmission of pathogens include the handling of heavy bodies and using unsanitary and unsafe equipment. The Mortuary in the Mater Dei Hospital is split into two main areas, a clean area and a dirty area. These areas are separated by a transitional zone. The dirty areas include body stores at a temperature of 4 °C. It has easy to clean, non-porous surfaces and a system of containment for any body fluids. On the other hand, the clean area consists of the viewing rooms, the chapel, offices and reception areas. It also has proper ambient climate controls to remove odours and vapours and is mainly where clean equipment is stored. Bodies, equipment and people working in these separate areas must never come into contact with one another whilst working. Also, a body should never go into the dry area before it has been properly cleaned and any soft tissue found is removed. Once the soft tissue is removed it is placed in a freezer. The rest of the human remains are then stored in a separate freezing area. It is essential that all employees working at the Mater Dei Hospital mortuary wear personal protective equipment (PPE), which is designed to help protect the scientist from serious health and safety dangers. This equipment is found in the clean transitional area located in front of the autopsy room, to enable scientists to change into their safety equipment before entering. PPE worn by a scientist in the autopsy room of the mortuary include: Overalls/scrubs (washable or disposable). It is imperative that this particular equipment be worn every day to protect the skin from any debris and body fluid which may cause infection. Latex/nitrile gloves. Nitrile gloves are used by scientists who are allergic to latex and must be worn when handling bodies or body fluids. Double gloving is the procedure Facemask. It is usually found as a visor. This is worn when cleaning bodies, clothing and artefacts and has to be regularly cleaned by the scientist using it. It prevents infection by protecting the face from splash back of body fluids. Safety goggles/glasses. These are worn to prevent any debris from coming into contact with the eye, which could lead to a potentially serious injury and possibly infection. Mortuary shoes/wellington boots. These are non-slip boots similar to those used in surgeries. They are waterproof and prevent entry of fluids. Aprons. All surgical equipment used must be sanitised and autoclaved properly after every use and has to be stored in a safe and secure cupboard when it is not being utilized. The most dangerous tool, the autopsy saw, can only be used by experienced personnel. Hands and exposed skin must be washed after the autopsy to remove any debris or body fluids of the dead individual as these may cause infections. It is also important not to touch bare skin while wearing gloves. The scientist working in the autopsy room must not touch his or her eyes, mouth or nose to prevent spread of any blood borne infections. Beyond the changing area there is also a shower which scientists can use after handling body samples. The autopsy and dissection tables are made up of stainless steel and are connected to a supply of low pressure water. This water is treated with chlorine to remove any infectious agents and is then discharged into the normal sewage system. A High Energy Particulate Air (HEPA) filter can also b e found in the autopsy room to trap any viruses or airborne bacteria from exiting the facilities and circulating into the outside air. It is essential that outside clothing not be worn in the mortuary. Extra PPE should be worn in specific areas such as the biohazard room for extra protection and when samples are being taken for deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) analysis. Finally, the mortuary is cleaned thoroughly and disinfected every night. Working in the mortuary poses a serious health risk to scientists. Some of these potential risks include working in too hot or too cold conditions, bacterial related sickness, body fluid or tissue related sickness, lifting injuries and stress related sickness. That is why it is ensured that vaccinations for certain diseases such as tetanus, Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B ,Tuberculosis, Typhoid, Diphtheria and Rabies be accounted for in every scientist working in the autopsy room. It is essential that every new employee undergoes a health and safety briefing and that risk assessments be carried out every time a new body arrives. The mortuary staff must be briefed on the new risks found. A first aid kit has to be present along with someone who knows how to give first aid. Anyone entering the mortuary has to follow general health and safety practices. Fragmentary bone may be sharp and bodies can be heavy, therefore the staff must undergo manual handling training.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Aristotle, Antigone and Billy Budd :: comparison compare contrast essays

Aristotle, Antigone and Billy Budd In Poetics, Aristotle explains tragedy as a kind of imitation of a certain magnitude, using direct action instead of narration to achieve its desired affect. It is of an extremely serious nature. Tragedy is also complete, with a structure that unifies all of its parts. It is meant to produce a catharsis of the audience, meant to produce the emotions of pity and fear and to purge them of these emotions and helping them better understand the ways of the gods and men. Tragedy is also in a language in both verse and song. Aristotle's definition is clearly applicable to both Herman Melville's Billy Budd and the famous Greek tragedy Antigone by Sophocles. Antigone is definitely a good example of a Greek tragedy. It contains all of the elements of Greek tragedy as defined by Aristotle. Billy Budd has also been interpreted by some critics as a Greek tragedy. This seems true in that it contains many of the requirements in a Greek tragedy. However, as we look closer, there are many factors that are not found in Billy Budd that are required in a Greek tragedy. There are flaws to the theory. Analysis of the Billy Budd has shown that enough of these flaws are evident to interpret Billy Budd as not a Greek tragedy. There are differences in the character, structure, theme, magnitude, tragic heroes, plot, as well as focus. However, it can be argued that these differences can also be similarities. It can be explained as a variant. Interpretation has been a key issue in these two works. The two works have been interpreted in many different ways. Each way could lead to a different comparison of these two works. Therefore, the reader m ust decide which interpretation is most "correct" and conclude whether the similarities are sufficient to call Billy Budd a Greek tragedy. Aristotle states that "For Tragedy is an imitation, not of men, but of an action and of life, and life consists in action, and its end is a mode of action, not a quality. Now character determines men's qualities, but it is by their actions that they are happy or the reverse. Dramatic action, therefore, is not with a view to the representation of character: character comes in as subsidiary to the actions. Hence the incidents and the plot are the end of a tragedy; and the end is the chief thing of all.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Mans Tragedy in One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch Essay

Man's Tragedy in One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch Solzhenitsyn's turning to history has extremely important consequences for his total literary heritage. As he himself has said, "Literature that is not the very breath of contemporary society does not deserve the name of literature." To be true literature, "the pain and fears of society must be held before it, society must be warned against the moral and social dangers which threaten it." History to Solzhenitsyn, as to Leo Tolstoy, is the theater and the arena in which the abominations as well as the glories of human behavior are revealed at their most powerful and on the grandest scale. This is not to say that Solzhenitsyn actually "writes history," meaning by that a formal history text. Rather, his novel August 1914 is a vehicle for the telling the larger story of the human condition. As in One Day, characters are minutely inspected in order best to understand the historical environment in which they participate as well as being affected by it. In other words, history at its present juncture provides Solzhenitsyn with concrete, "living" referents or the actual background against which the moral fiber of realistically depicted characters are not only revealed but above all tested and tempered. As in the later work, Gulag Archipelago, Solzhenitsyn's historical novel about Leninist-Stalinist terror and the labor-camp system, so in August 1914 events do not simply "happen," as though they were products of the action of Fate. It is precisely over the issue of Why Events Happen that Solzhenitsyn parts company with the great Russian writer, Tolstoy, who himself used history (War and Peace) as a mea... ...," not by means of dogmatic insistence upon "historical law" and "ultimate truth." So, for Solzhenitsyn, man's Tragedy does not consist in his being ground under by an historical juggernaut, a dumb force guided by inexorable historical laws, impersonal forces, economic determinism, and so forth. Instead, man makes his own history. Ideologies, religions, policies do help shape the lines along which history will be made, but above all for Solzhenitsyn, it is men who make history. It is they who can be blamed. So can the makers of ideologies be blamed for the postulates they develop and the consequences which result from them. "Who is to blame?" the author of Gulag Archipelago asks in the chapter entitled, "The Law Becomes a Man." He answers, with bitter irony: "Well, of course, it obviously could never be the Over-All Leadership!" Man's Tragedy in One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch Essay Man's Tragedy in One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch Solzhenitsyn's turning to history has extremely important consequences for his total literary heritage. As he himself has said, "Literature that is not the very breath of contemporary society does not deserve the name of literature." To be true literature, "the pain and fears of society must be held before it, society must be warned against the moral and social dangers which threaten it." History to Solzhenitsyn, as to Leo Tolstoy, is the theater and the arena in which the abominations as well as the glories of human behavior are revealed at their most powerful and on the grandest scale. This is not to say that Solzhenitsyn actually "writes history," meaning by that a formal history text. Rather, his novel August 1914 is a vehicle for the telling the larger story of the human condition. As in One Day, characters are minutely inspected in order best to understand the historical environment in which they participate as well as being affected by it. In other words, history at its present juncture provides Solzhenitsyn with concrete, "living" referents or the actual background against which the moral fiber of realistically depicted characters are not only revealed but above all tested and tempered. As in the later work, Gulag Archipelago, Solzhenitsyn's historical novel about Leninist-Stalinist terror and the labor-camp system, so in August 1914 events do not simply "happen," as though they were products of the action of Fate. It is precisely over the issue of Why Events Happen that Solzhenitsyn parts company with the great Russian writer, Tolstoy, who himself used history (War and Peace) as a mea... ...," not by means of dogmatic insistence upon "historical law" and "ultimate truth." So, for Solzhenitsyn, man's Tragedy does not consist in his being ground under by an historical juggernaut, a dumb force guided by inexorable historical laws, impersonal forces, economic determinism, and so forth. Instead, man makes his own history. Ideologies, religions, policies do help shape the lines along which history will be made, but above all for Solzhenitsyn, it is men who make history. It is they who can be blamed. So can the makers of ideologies be blamed for the postulates they develop and the consequences which result from them. "Who is to blame?" the author of Gulag Archipelago asks in the chapter entitled, "The Law Becomes a Man." He answers, with bitter irony: "Well, of course, it obviously could never be the Over-All Leadership!"